Please Note: You must add your Chartstring Fund, Department and Account Code in order for your request to be processed. FSM does not charge room rental fees. Chart Strings are required in case of no shows, late cancellations or damages.
Do you have additional or alternate dates?
Event Types
Please familiarize yourself with the event types before choosing the most appropriate one for your event (a brief description of each is listed below):
Department Research: Experiments and exploration of ideas that are not externally funded; nor are they discrete projects separately budgeted and accounted for.
Industry Clinical Trial: Clinical trials funded by industry, typically pharmaceutical companies; participation of human subjects.
Instruction: Teaching activities, training activities supported by institutional funds.
Non-University Activity: Space used by a non-NU entity.
Other Institutional Activity: NU public service, unallowable activities, student activities, auxiliary enterprises, and agency activity.
Other Sponsored Activity: Sponsored public service, contract for service activities, seminar and conferences.
School/Department Administration: Administrative space in academic units.
Sponsored Research: Space for externally funded research and development, university research, and cost sharing benefiting this research; this research is separately budgeted and accounted for.
Sponsored Training: Training activities funded by outside agencies and organizations.
Student Services Administration: Administration of student affairs and for services to students.
Industry Clinical Trial: Clinical trials funded by industry, typically pharmaceutical companies; participation of human subjects.
Instruction: Teaching activities, training activities supported by institutional funds.
Non-University Activity: Space used by a non-NU entity.
Other Institutional Activity: NU public service, unallowable activities, student activities, auxiliary enterprises, and agency activity.
Other Sponsored Activity: Sponsored public service, contract for service activities, seminar and conferences.
School/Department Administration: Administrative space in academic units.
Sponsored Research: Space for externally funded research and development, university research, and cost sharing benefiting this research; this research is separately budgeted and accounted for.
Sponsored Training: Training activities funded by outside agencies and organizations.
Student Services Administration: Administration of student affairs and for services to students.
Audio Visual: Please indicated if you plan to use AV for this event. (Please Note: AV equipment may not be available in each room) *
Catering: Please indicate if you plan to provide refreshments at this event. *
Rubloff 9 Rooms (capacity).
Please check all requested rooms. *
9th Floor Rubloff Conference Room Policy
9th Floor Rubloff Conference Room Policy
The conference rooms on Rubloff 9 include: the Lake Shore Conference Room, Chicago Conference Room, the Fairbanks Conference Room, and the Superior Conference Room. These rooms are managed by the Office of Development & Alumni Relations and all questions regarding the space should be directed to the Reception desk of the FSM Development and Alumni Relations Office at (312) 503-8933.
- Development & Alumni Relations reserves the right to reassign a confirmed reservation should an unforeseen priority arise.
- The conference room is not open to the public, staff or students without a reservation.
- It is suggested that you build into your meeting request a cushion of time (approximately 15 minutes) before and after your meeting for set-up or clean-up time or to avoid the possibility of your meeting or a prior meeting going over time.
Conference Room Hours and Room Use
- Conference room hours are from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- Conference rooms are for business meetings - No classes, student seminars, parties, retreats, social activities are allowed.
- Conference rooms should be left clean and orderly upon close of meetings and not doing so may result in a clean-up fee charged to chart string provided in the reservation.
AV Assistance
- The Fairbanks Conference Rooms is the only conference room that has AV capabilities. If AV assistance is required, it is the requesters' responsibility to obtain AV support at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. For AV Support in the Fairbanks Conference Room, please contact NUART at smartcls@listserv.it.northwestern.edu or at x7-ROOM.
Please note: the remaining 9th floor conference rooms do not have the following:
- Projectors, laptops, cables, cords, stands or speakers; all technical items are the responsibility of the requester and we do not provide any technical support.
The rooms do have the following:
- Single line basic speaker phones in two 6-seat conference rooms; the larger rooms, Lake Shore and Fairbanks have Polycom IP 7000 phones
- Projection screens or a white board
- NU wireless capabilities and also wired access plug-in
9th Floor Rubloff Conference Room Policy and Confirmation Conditions *