Please Note: You must add your Chartstring Fund, Department and Account Code in order for your request to be processed. FSM does not charge room rental fees. Chart Strings are required in case of no shows, late cancellations or damages.
Do you have additional or alternate dates?
Event Types
Please familiarize yourself with the event types before choosing the most appropriate one for your event (a brief description of each is listed below):
Department Research: Experiments and exploration of ideas that are not externally funded; nor are they discrete projects separately budgeted and accounted for.
Industry Clinical Trial: Clinical trials funded by industry, typically pharmaceutical companies; participation of human subjects.
Instruction: Teaching activities, training activities supported by institutional funds.
Non-University Activity: Space used by a non-NU entity.
Other Institutional Activity: NU public service, unallowable activities, student activities, auxiliary enterprises, and agency activity.
Other Sponsored Activity: Sponsored public service, contract for service activities, seminar and conferences.
School/Department Administration: Administrative space in academic units.
Sponsored Research: Space for externally funded research and development, university research, and cost sharing benefiting this research; this research is separately budgeted and accounted for.
Sponsored Training: Training activities funded by outside agencies and organizations.
Student Services Administration: Administration of student affairs and for services to students.
Weinberg Computer Lab *
Confirmation Conditions
Weinberg Lab: Access to Weinberg classrooms require a key at all times. See building access section below for more information.
Room Set-up check list:
· Labs should always be reserved 30 minutes prior to event start time to ensure adequate set-up time
· Log into enough machines for the number of expected attendees, plus an additional 2-3 machines
· Ensure each machine has all necessary files for the class activities
· Delete browsing history to clear any previous usage and lessen issues with logins in your class
Room Clean-up check list:
· Close all files and browsers on all machines
· Log off all machines
· Pick up any trash on tables, chairs, floor
· Push in chairs
· Clean white board with white board cleaner
· Turn off projector
· Turn off lights
· Close movable wall - if applicable
· Check that door is locked
Event Schedule: Please note, there may be an event before or after you requested reservation. To view any bookended events, please search for your reservations in our online reservation book, and plan your event accordingly: https://fsmfacility.northwestern.edu/VirtualEMS/BrowseForSpace.aspx.
Building Access Hours and Key Policy: For more information, please review the attached FSM Confirmation Conditions. All spaces are available during building hours (listed below). Access to McGaw facilities and the Weinberg Lab requires keys and/or keycards at all times. To access specialty AV in all FSM space, podium keys are required, all specialty AV is dependent on location. All required keys/keycards must be signed out during business hours (8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday) from the Reception Desk on Rubloff 12 (420 E. Superior). Event coordinators are encouraged to pre-arrange a time to pick up keys by calling (312) 503-8194 or emailing Shirley Scurlock at s-scurlock@northwestern.edu.
Tarry Building Method Atrium and Weinberg Computer Lab
Monday-Friday: 6:00am-7:00pm (Method Atrium)
Weinberg Computer Lab Hours: Monday-Friday 6:00am-7:00pm (Closed Saturday & Sunday)
These are secure buildings and require a Northwestern Medicine ID badge or NU Wildcard for entry. If event participants do not have an NM or NU badge, special arrangements must be made with the FSM Research Office. Please send your name, netID, department, title and email address to fsm-research@northwestern.edu and request access to the eAdvance system.
Confirmation Conditions *