Preferred pronouns
Would you like to opt-in to being included on the Health Equity Footprint webpage once it's live? If you opt out, we will keep your answers in our internal records and will only share your information if we are contacted with requests for subject matter experts in your field. *
Would you like your email address listed on our website so that people know how to get a hold of you? (some faculty profiles do not list contact information) *
With which Northwestern colleges and schools are you affiliated? (check all that apply) *
With which of the following do you identify, if any? (check all that apply)
Some students and researchers seek potential mentors or collaborators with whom they share one or more of the identities above because they feel like they can relate to them based on shared experiences. What are your preferences for our use of the information about the identities you selected above? *
A special link to resume the form will be sent to your email address.